Ultimate lower body grounding

Our triple cable ankle band works to help you gain speed, strength as well as improve balance and spacing distance. It will help you master the basics and capitalise on your potential!

You can also use this to develop strength in your hip abductors, calves and quads through targeted exercises.

All in one bundle

  • Both exercise bands and the vest are included in the bundle - packaged nicely in a box to make for an ideal gift. 
  • The upper body band can be used alone or paired with the vest for increased stability. The choice is yours! 
  • Using the band with the vest can be a great solution if you want to shadow box whilst running or on the go. 
  • The soft foam padding of the handles provide enhanced comfort and superior grip for your workouts.
  • The triple cable ankle band provides an even distribution of lateral resistance, preventing snapping and achieving top results. 
  • More resistance does not always mean better boxing! Our resistance has
    been calibrated for longer workouts, to build endurance and good form.